Monday, February 25, 2008

"The Truth"

"The truth" was the term they used
to slash like knives with insecurity
to voice every close-held fear
to hurl their hurt as accusation

I clicked the remote and tossed it
in one smooth motion rising
striding purposefully to her room
a swath of indignity left in my wake

You've never given me ANYTHING
I feel WORTHLESS when I'm with you
You're the God-damned ADDICTION
that hasn't brought pleasure for YEARS

My pulse quieted, my eyes cleared
and I saw her red-eyed waiting
bleeding quiet rivers of pain
grief her only defense against my rage

I sank into a chair, my mind vacant
like a drunk driver in a car wreck
detached from my fear, idly wondering
if I would ever be okay again.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

All New and Updated

To see the final version of my compilation, which also includes a more purposeful sequence, please download the PDF version of "A Testimony to Survival."

